Pagham Lodge

Four Henllys Brethren visited Pagham Lodge number 8280, near Bognor Regis on Saturday supporting Brother John Coombs who is a member of both Pagham and Henllys Lodge’s. Pagham delivered an outstanding second degree ceremony passing Brother Charles Stuart to Fellow Craft Freemason. W. Bro. Peter Brewer presented the extended working tools in an exemplary manner and Bro. Talbot Thrush presented the explanation of the Tracing Board.

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Left to Right: Brother Talbot Thrush, Worshipful Brother Phil Davies, Worshipful Master Graham L. Jones, Brother Charles Stuart, Brother Stuart Howells, Worshipful Brother Gareth White and Brother John Coombs.

This was followed by the Festive Board where W.Bro. Gareth White presented the Worshipful Master with a copy of the Monmouthshire Masons 2024 Festival Music C.D. After the Festive Board the Brethren retired to the bar area to make arrangements for a reciprocal visit to Henllys by Pagham Lodge and continuing visits in the years to come.

A massive thank you to the Brethren of Pagham Lodge for their very warm welcome and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Pagham Lodge can be found on Facebook here…