Henllys Lodge Fellow Craft

Henllys Lodge Fellow Craft

Monday evening Henllys Lodge passed Brother Owen Harris Stevens to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemason.

Brother Owen Harris Stevens pictured with the officers of Henllys Lodge.

L to R: Bro. Wayne Jones, Bro. David Coleman, Bro. Owen Harris Stevens, Worshipful Master Alan Clayton, Bro. Jonathan Davies, Bro. Craig Brown.

Defibrillator Training

Defibrillator Training

Sunday morning, trainers from St. Johns Ambulance, Griffithstown, Pontypool, kindly provided A.E.D. (Automated External Defibrillator) training for brethren of Pontypool Masonic Centre. An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) or defibrillator is a life saving device that can help save the life of someone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest. They are easy to use, portable, with clear step-by-step instructions so anyone can use them, from a bystander to a trained professional. Jane Collier and Gareth Baldwin led the training event on behalf of St. Johns Ambulance Wales.

If you would like to know more about A.E.D.’s and training please visit St. Johns Ambulance Wales here.

Double Exaltation

Double Exaltation

On Friday evening Llantarnam Royal Arch Chapter exalted two members of Henllys Lodge – Brothers Aron Hutchings and Drew Thrush. A large number of visitors were in attendance to witness and enjoy both the ceremony and the festive board.

L to R: Companions Jonathan Davies, Companion Aron Hutchings, Companion Tom Delaney, Companion Drew Thrush and Companion Alyn Chown.

Members of the “Light Blues” with their new companions.

Order Of The Towpath

Order Of The Towpath

On Sunday 2nd June, Kennard Lodge are hosting a sponsored group walk in aid of the 2024 Charity Festival Year. The event is being organised by Worshipful Brother Martin Philips. All Brethren, family and friends are welcome to join in. See below for full details.

The walk starts at Llanfoist Car Park, Church Lane, Abergavenny, NP7 9LF. As the name suggests it follows the towpath of the Monmouthshire canal to finish at Pontypool Masonic Centre for some well deserved refreshments including a buffet.

You can also join in the walk along the route, for example at Llanover or Goytre Wharf. Transport has been arranged to take participants from Pontypool Masonic Centre on the morning of the event to Llanfoist and the other suggested start points, so that you can complete the walk and then make your way directly home from Pontypool.

Below are links to an online registration form, a downloadable sponsorship form and an event poster. The registration form contains areas for you to enter your desired start point, request transport and to book in for the buffet etc.

it promises to be a great day out for a worthwhile cause so please do join in.

This event also has a Just Giving page.

Online registration.

Sponsorship form.

Order Of The Towpath poster

Llantarnam Initiation

Llantarnam Initiation

On Friday Llantarnam Lodge initiated David Wilsher into Freemasonry and invested him into to the Light Blues.

Brother David Wilsher with Worshipful Master Simon Bellhouse. Brother David is pictured with his Light Blues pocket square. Welcome to our new initiate Bro. David Wiltshire. We hope you had a fantastic evening and many more to come! Monmouthshire Masons Mon Light Blues Club United Grand Lodge of England

Brother David (centre)

Henllys Valentine

Henllys Valentine

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A great evening hosted by Henllys Lodge to celebrate Valentines Day with a white table event kindly organised by Worshipful Brother Gareth White and Adele, ably assisted by Brother Stuart Howells.

And a big thank you to Dave Llewellyn for the fun of the “Bingo Machine.”

Thank you to those that helped organise the evening and to all those that supported the event.

Rugby Is Back !

Rugby Is Back !

There was a good attendance for the rugby at Pontypool Masonic Hall on Saturday. Brethren from Henllys Kennard and Llantarnam lodges were in attendance. Approximately £200 was raised for the Hall funds.

On 10th February we will be supporting the Rugby at Newport Masonic Hall in aid or the Light Blues/TLC appeal.

On 24th February we will be back at Pontypool Masonic hall for more rugby.

And on 16th March for the final three games played back to back.

Lodge of Unity, Spain

Lodge of Unity, Spain

Brother Talbot Thrush attended Lodge of Unity No. 98 in the village of Turre, Spain, who were performing a double initiation. The Lodge welcomed two new Brothers at their Initiation Ceremony, Bro. Luke Homer and Bro. David Fox. The Lodge was blessed with many visitors from both the UK and other Spanish Lodges. The Lodge also recognised the 50th Anniversary later this month of W.Bro. Andy Milne becoming a Freemason….a wonderful achievement and inspiration to all. Following the meeting an Excellent Festive Board was held at the Hostal Rural in Turre. All in all, it was certainly a night to remember.