Henllys Installation

W. Bro. Gareth White installed Bro. Alan Clayton as the new Worshipful Master of Henllys Lodge for the ensuing Masonic year. Over 60 brethren attended the installation. The Lodge presented a cheque for £2024 to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master (D.P.G.M.), R. W. Bro. Chris Evans, for the 2024 charity festival. The raffle at the festive board raised a further £325, for charity and Bro. David Coleman presented the D.P.G.M. with a further £170 for the 2024 festival, which was raised by brethren participating in a motorcycle ride.

Brethren enjoying the Festive Board.

The newly installed Worshipful Master, Alan Clayton, presenting the cheque to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the 2024 Charity Festival.

Bro. David Coleman presenting the money raised by the motorcycle ride to the D.P.G.M.

The W. Master of Kennard Lodge presenting a copy of the minutes of the very first meeting of the Henllys Lodge which was consecrated on 28 November 1969.