Crystal Lodge

Left to Right: D.P.G.M. Chris Evans, Bro. Stuart Howells, W.Bro. Gareth White, Bro. Richard Sims, W. Bro. Dave Lllewellyn, Bro. Craig Brown, W. Bro. Ray Barton the Worshipful Master of Crystal Lodge and Bro. Dai Coleman. Also, visiting from Henllys but not in the photograph Bro. Jonathan Davies

Crystal Lodge on Monday performed a second degree ceremony on behalf of Henllys Lodge, passing Bro. Richard Sims to the degree of Fellow Craft. Massive thank you to Crystal for their kind assistance. Henllys Lodge members have visited 10 other lodge meetings so far this year, with 7 or more members at each visit. This illustrates that one of the many great things about Freemasonry is visiting lodges, socialising with old friends and making many new friends.