Charity C.D.

At Casnewydd Lodge Installation meeting, on Friday evening, Worshipful Brothers David Llewellyn and Kelvin Reddicliffe presented the Provincial Grand Master and the Provincial Charity Steward with a cheque for £5,185 from the sales of the Monmouthshire Charity Festival C.D. The events which lead to this creative collaboration can be found here…

L to R: Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Richard G. Davies, W. Bro. David Llewellyn, W. Bro. Kelvin Reddicliffe and the Provincial Charity Steward, W. Bro. Julian Knight

Let me take this opportunity to express my very grateful thanks. A huge amount for the Festival but gained by a great deal of hard work selling the discs . That said , I believe those involved thoroughly enjoyed writing material and also the making of the Disc itself . All told absolutely fabulous ; very grateful ! 

Right Worshipful Richard G. Davies. Provincial Grand Master, Monmouthshire.

W. Bro. Dave Llewellyn wrote the lyrics for two of the songs on the C.D. and W. Bro. Kelvin Reddicliffe wrote the music to accompany them. They have just started work on a third CD with a lead song based around the  poem written by David – “Before we went green.” As the title suggests, the poem addresses an era before we went green. It is both poignant and amusing. The music track has already been created and the vocal track will be recorded next week. It will be a country and western style song.

They will be announcing and releasing their latest music CD shortly. Details of which will be posted here.