Henllys Christmas Carol Service

Henllys Christmas Carol Service

Henllys Lodge’s traditional Christmas Carol Service saw over 70 people enjoy a fantastic evening of singing and quizzing. The quiz was hosted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Chris Evans, who also lead and conducted the carol singing. A fine buffet was enjoyed after the quiz, which helped prepare everyone for the carol singing. A raffle saw the event raise £255 for charity.

12 Days of Christmas – the final production.

After two practice runs we finished up with a fine rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas.

When A Child Is Born
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Pagham Lodge

Pagham Lodge

Four Henllys Brethren visited Pagham Lodge number 8280, near Bognor Regis on Saturday supporting Brother John Coombs who is a member of both Pagham and Henllys Lodge’s. Pagham delivered an outstanding second degree ceremony passing Brother Charles Stuart to Fellow Craft Freemason. W. Bro. Peter Brewer presented the extended working tools in an exemplary manner and Bro. Talbot Thrush presented the explanation of the Tracing Board.

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Left to Right: Brother Talbot Thrush, Worshipful Brother Phil Davies, Worshipful Master Graham L. Jones, Brother Charles Stuart, Brother Stuart Howells, Worshipful Brother Gareth White and Brother John Coombs.

This was followed by the Festive Board where W.Bro. Gareth White presented the Worshipful Master with a copy of the Monmouthshire Masons 2024 Festival Music C.D. After the Festive Board the Brethren retired to the bar area to make arrangements for a reciprocal visit to Henllys by Pagham Lodge and continuing visits in the years to come.

A massive thank you to the Brethren of Pagham Lodge for their very warm welcome and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Pagham Lodge can be found on Facebook here…

St. Johns Ladies Evening

St. Johns Ladies Evening

Several brethren from Pontypool Masonic Centre enjoyed the company of their ladies at the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny for the St. Johns Lodge, ladies evening hosted by Worshipful Brother Keith (Elvis) Davies and his partner Barbara. They put on an outstanding evening for over 100 guests including the Provincial Grand Master, Richard Davies and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Christopher Evans. The lady of the evening, Barbara, gave a fantastic response to her toast reminding the Brethren how lucky they are to have such supportive ladies helping them enjoy their Freemasonry and all the good service and charity that Freemasonry provides. The event raised over £2,000 for local and Masonic Charities.

Rugby World Cup

Rugby World Cup

Whilst the result for Wales was an unhappy one, the Brethren and their families enjoyed a Chicken Madras Kebab, rice, chips and poppadoms whilst watching the Rugby World Cup. Catering was again courtesy of Bro. Wayne Jones and hosted by Henllys Lodge. Keep watching for more social events.

Rugby World Cup

Rugby World Cup

Another fantastic afternoon and a great result for Wales. More than 30 Brethren, family and friends gathered at the centre to enjoy rugby, good friends and curry, rice, chips and Naan bread courtesy of Brother Wayne Jones.

We are doing it all again next Saturday. Book in via Henllys Lodge please.

Rugby World Cup

Rugby World Cup

Don’t forget this Saturday 7 October Wales will be playing Georgia. Kick off at 2pm. The centre will be open from 1pm to Brethren, their friends and family to watch the game together and enjoy curry, rice and chips during half time. The bar will also be open for refreshments. The event is being hosted by Henllys Lodge and Brother Wayne Jones will be catering for us. Don’t forget to book in with us Brethren so that we know the numbers we are catering for.

More World Cup Rugby

More World Cup Rugby

This Sunday saw an even larger crowd gather to watch the Rugby World Cup at Pontypool Masonic Centre. Brethren from all the lodges gathered with family and friends to support Wales and the Masonic Centre. Hosted by Henllys Lodge, all present enjoyed the curry, rice, chips and naan bread cooked by Bro. Wayne Jones and the bar was ably staffed by Bro. Stuart Howells.

Everyone enjoyed a great afternoon, which was made all the more enjoyable by Wales winning!

Wales will be playing Georgia at 2pm on Saturday 7th October. Come and join us for another afternoon with good food and great company to watch Wales.