Open Day

Open Day

On Saturday 13th July the Pontypool Lodges are jointly holding an Open Day at Pontypool Masonic Hall, and using the Mon Light Blues Gazebo on the rugby ground of Pontypool Park, as part of the “Party In The Park” community event run by Torfaen CBC.

Our objective is to promote Freemasonry in Pontypool by talking to the public at the Gazebo, and inviting them to visit the Masonic Hall, where Brethren will talk with them and engage their interest in Freemasonry.  

The Gazebo will be erected on the rugby ground , at a time to be confirmed between 8.30 and 9.30 am. The Hall will need to be open until late afternoon, and similarly Brethren will need to be at the Gazebo until late afternoon.

Brethren who are available to be at the Gazebo or at the Hall for a few hours on Saturday 13th July , are asked to let their WM’s know so that further arrangements can be made. 

Contact (Worshipful Brother Martin Phillips) for further information.

Centenary Celebrations

Centenary Celebrations

Friday evening saw over 60 Freemasons gather to celebrate 100 years of Freemasonry at Pontypool Masonic Centre in Trosnant Street, Pontypool. The history of Freemasonry in Pontypool dates back some 200 years in total.

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The evening started with a talk from Reverend Canon Doctor Arthur Edwards and Worshipful Brother Huw Williams outlining the long and fascinating history of Freemasonry in Pontypool and those people that made that history possible.

The history of Pontypool Masonic Centre from 1924 to the present day, courtesy of Worshipful Brother Huw Williams.

The evening’s raffle combined with some very kind and generous donations raised £621 towards the refurbishment of the centres dining room and bar area.

Welcome Brother

Welcome Brother

Another week another initiate!

Welcome Brother Alexei to Trevethin Lodge!

Worshipful Brother Jamie led a strong and enthusiastic team through the initiation ceremony and Alexei’s proposer Andrew supported as Senior Deacon and presented the working tools.

A great night!