Henllys Christmas Carol Service

Henllys Christmas Carol Service

Henllys Lodge’s traditional Christmas Carol Service saw over 70 people enjoy a fantastic evening of singing and quizzing. The quiz was hosted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Chris Evans, who also lead and conducted the carol singing. A fine buffet was enjoyed after the quiz, which helped prepare everyone for the carol singing. A raffle saw the event raise £255 for charity.

12 Days of Christmas – the final production.

After two practice runs we finished up with a fine rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas.

When A Child Is Born
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Llantarnam Chapter

Llantarnam Chapter

This evening Brother Darryl Richards was exalted into Llantarnam Royal Arch Chapter becoming a “Companion”. He was exalted by Excellent Companions Tom Delaney, Alyn Chown and Jonathan Davies.

In England and Wales, there is an indissoluble link between Craft Freemasonry and the Royal Arch, with the Royal Arch being considered the completion of a Freemason’s journey in Pure Antient Masonry. 

Craft Masons are, therefore, actively encouraged to become members of the Royal Arch to further develop and enrich their understanding of Freemasonry. If you are a Master Mason then please speak to your Royal Arch Chapter representative.

Welcome Brother

Welcome Brother

Brother Michael Hendrie was initiated into Kennard Lodge at the November meeting in a very impressive manner.

The Immediate Past Master (I.P.M.) presents Brother Mike Parsons with a cheque for £500 for the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital.

Pagham Lodge

Pagham Lodge

Four Henllys Brethren visited Pagham Lodge number 8280, near Bognor Regis on Saturday supporting Brother John Coombs who is a member of both Pagham and Henllys Lodge’s. Pagham delivered an outstanding second degree ceremony passing Brother Charles Stuart to Fellow Craft Freemason. W. Bro. Peter Brewer presented the extended working tools in an exemplary manner and Bro. Talbot Thrush presented the explanation of the Tracing Board.

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Left to Right: Brother Talbot Thrush, Worshipful Brother Phil Davies, Worshipful Master Graham L. Jones, Brother Charles Stuart, Brother Stuart Howells, Worshipful Brother Gareth White and Brother John Coombs.

This was followed by the Festive Board where W.Bro. Gareth White presented the Worshipful Master with a copy of the Monmouthshire Masons 2024 Festival Music C.D. After the Festive Board the Brethren retired to the bar area to make arrangements for a reciprocal visit to Henllys by Pagham Lodge and continuing visits in the years to come.

A massive thank you to the Brethren of Pagham Lodge for their very warm welcome and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Pagham Lodge can be found on Facebook here…

Welcome Brother

Welcome Brother

Another week another initiate!

Welcome Brother Alexei to Trevethin Lodge!

Worshipful Brother Jamie led a strong and enthusiastic team through the initiation ceremony and Alexei’s proposer Andrew supported as Senior Deacon and presented the working tools.

A great night!

Double Initiation

Double Initiation

L to R: Brother Christopher Hale, Worshipful Master Alan Clayton, Brother Raymond Han and Brother Drew Thrush (Bro. Christopher’s proposer).

This evening Henllys Lodge performed a double initiation ceremony. The initiates Christopher Hale and Raymond Han conducted themselves magnificently during the ceremony. This was the first ceremony of the new Masonic year for Henllys. All the officers were new to their roles and they delivered an impressive performance. More than forty brethren were present to enjoy the evening.

Monmouthshire Freemasons Release 2024 Festival CD

Monmouthshire Freemasons Release 2024 Festival CD

Earlier this year, two dedicated Monmouthshire Freemasons, Kelvin Reddicliffe of the Casnewydd Lodge, and David Llewellyn of the Henllys Lodge embarked on a journey which created something truly extraordinary.

They created a limited-edition CD to celebrate its 10th Anniversary, of the Armed Forces Lodge based around two poems they had written, paying tribute to the brave souls who fought in the Great War. But these Freemasons were not content to rest on their laurels; they wanted to do more, to create something that would resonate far beyond their lodge

While travelling around the Province, Kelvin Reddicliffe and David Llewellyn stumbled upon an idea that would give rise to a remarkable project. Kelvin overheard a conversation between David and some members of the Blue Lamp Lodge regarding a poem he had written. Intrigued, Kelvin asked to see more of David’s poetry, and it didn’t take long for him to see the potential for songs within these verses.

From this meeting of minds, the idea was born to produce a music CD for the 2024 Province of Monmouthshire festival. The result? A magnificent compilation featuring 22 musical tracks that are a testament to the artistic talents within the Monmouthshire Masonic community.

What makes this CD truly special is that brethren of the Province have contributed to all the tracks. At a later meeting, the idea of forming a Provincial choir was added to the mix. Kelvin reached out to brethren, requesting the formation of a Masonic choir, and the response was nothing short of incredible. The choir was formed, and three touching songs were recorded.

There’s a delightful mix of music styles, including pop, rock, classical, and jazz on the CD. Chris Evans, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, has also made a vocal contribution to this project, with his track appearing in this musical treasure trove.

The CD is not just about music; it’s about a shared love for creativity and a deep connection to Freemasonry. It’s an example of what can be achieved when Freemasons come together with a common goal and an unwavering passion for their Craft.

David shared: 

“Kelvin wrote a beautiful and haunting music track called ‘The Folded Note’. It was based on the last letter my late wife wrote to me. The story behind this track is just one example of the emotion and dedication that went into this project.”

Kelvin elaborated: 

“After the chance conversation, David and I met over a coffee and discussed the idea of producing a 2024 Festival CD. We felt that there was a lot of musical talent in this Province, and the process started from there.”

This CD is a celebration of the rich tapestry of talent within the Monmouthshire Masonic community. It features members from over 20 lodges in the Province, showcasing the diversity and creativity that exists within the fraternity.”

With the kind permission of the Provincial Grand Master Richard G Davies, the CD will be released in October. All profits from this CD will be donated to the 2024 Festival fund, demonstrating the Freemasons’ commitment to positively impacting their community.

You can obtain your copy of this unique CD for a minimum payment of £5 by emailing david@llewellyns.org.uk, and in doing so, you’ll be contributing to a wonderful cause. Let the music play, and the harmony continue to resonate throughout the Province!