Llantarnam Lodge

Llantarnam Lodge

Brother Ashley being thanked by Worshipful Master Simon Bellhouse.

A last minute change of circumstances saw us complete a demonstration second degree ceremony. Thank you to Brother Ashley for being the candidate. We are now all set for a real second degree ceremony on behalf of St. Gabriels Lodge at our November meeting. If any Brother would like to attend please contact the secretary. If you are interested in joining Freemasonry please use our Contact Us link.

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Llantarnam Election and Third Degree Ceremony

Llantarnam Election and Third Degree Ceremony

At the Llantarnam Election night meeting the members elected Worshipful Brother Simon Bellhouse as their Master Elect. W. Bro. Simon will be installed as the new Worshipful Master of Llantarnam Lodge in September.

The Officers of Llantarnam Lodge pictured with Bro. Aaron Hutchings who was raised to the degree of Master Mason at Llantarnam’s election night on behalf of their daughter Lodge, Henlllys.

Llantarnam Lecture

Llantarnam Lecture

Friday evening saw Llantarnam Lodge and their visitors enjoy an outstanding presentation from W. Bro. Keith Evans about Freemasonry and acts of brotherly love during war time and in particular such events during the American Civil War. W. Bro. Keith delivered an informative, engaging and entertaining lecture. If you get the chance to see one of his presentations you should do so!

The members of Llantarnam and their visitors continued to enjoy their evening long into the night.

Passed To Fellow Craft

Passed To Fellow Craft

A great evening at Llantarnam Lodge passing Brother Aaron Hutchings to the second degree – Fellow Craft Freemason. The ceremony was performed on behalf of Henllys Lodge and Aaron was supported by 10 members of Henllys Lodge visiting Llantarnam’s meeting. The ceremony was presided over by W.M Dave Llewellyn.

Llantarnam R A Chapter -50 years

Llantarnam Royal Arch Chapter this year celebrates 50 years since its Consecration on the 12th May 1973.

Companions from other Chapters are very welcome to come and celebrate the occasion at our April Convocation on Thursday 13th April. There will be an Exaltation and Festive Board to follow, where a brief history of the Chapter’s Inception will be presented.

Please notify the secretary of your intention to attend.

Llantarnam Lodge

Llantarnam Lodge

Great evening passing Bro. Stuart Keyte who conducted himself in impeccable fashion by W.Bro David Llewellyn. Very relaxed and enjoyable evening. Well done to all involved.

Left to Right: Bro. Dai Coleman, W. Bro. Dave Llewellyn, Bro. Craig Brown, W. Bro. Gerwyn Evans, Bro. Stuart Keyte, Bro. Richard Sims, W. Bro. Roger Mason,
Bro. Stuart Howells, W.Bro. Robert Fowler, W. Bro. Robert Hawkins and W. Bro. Chris Parry.

Another very enjoyable evening at Llantarnam Lodge. Great ceremony, delicious festive board and good company.