Llantarnam Chapter

Llantarnam Chapter

Friday evening Brother Darren Scott, of St. Gabriels Lodge, was exalted into Llantarnam Royal Arch Chapter becoming a “Companion”. He was exalted by Excellent Companions Tom Delaney, Alyn Chown and Jonathan Davies.

L to R: Excellent Companions Alyn Chown and Tom Delaney, Companion Darren Scott, Companion Jamie Scott (Darrens Proposer) and Excellent Companion Jon Davies.

In England and Wales, there is an indissoluble link between Craft Freemasonry and the Royal Arch, with the Royal Arch being considered the completion of a Freemason’s journey in Pure Antient Masonry. 

Craft Masons are, therefore, actively encouraged to become members of the Royal Arch to further develop and enrich their understanding of Freemasonry. If you are a Master Mason then please speak to your Royal Arch Chapter representative.

Lodge of Progress

Congratulations to the Lodge of Progress on the manner in which they installed the new Master, Worshipful Brother Stuart John. A small Lodge that punches above its weight, with over £780 given to charity.

Brother Stuart Howells of Henllys Lodge, was appointed Junior Warden for the ensuing year.

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The Henllys 5

The Henllys 5

Today, Henllys Lodge passed 5 brethren to the degree of Fellow Craft, in a single ceremony. As far as we aware this has not previously been done in the Province of Monmouthshire.

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Brothers Christopher Hale, Raymond Han, Gareth White, Richard Wakeling and Michael Goldwyn, pictured together with Owain Harris Stevens, were treated to a unique ceremony.
The ceremony was choreographed to cater for the 5 brethren being conducted around the Temple as a single group. As a result of many hours of practice and rehearsal the ceremony was conducted with military precision in an outstanding manner.

All of the officers and brethren of Henllys Lodge involved in the ceremony were congratulated on their performance by those present.

Centenary Celebrations

Centenary Celebrations

Friday evening saw over 60 Freemasons gather to celebrate 100 years of Freemasonry at Pontypool Masonic Centre in Trosnant Street, Pontypool. The history of Freemasonry in Pontypool dates back some 200 years in total.

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The evening started with a talk from Reverend Canon Doctor Arthur Edwards and Worshipful Brother Huw Williams outlining the long and fascinating history of Freemasonry in Pontypool and those people that made that history possible.

The history of Pontypool Masonic Centre from 1924 to the present day, courtesy of Worshipful Brother Huw Williams.

The evening’s raffle combined with some very kind and generous donations raised £621 towards the refurbishment of the centres dining room and bar area.

Centenary Preparations

Centenary Preparations

The preparations for the Pontypool Masonic Centre Centenary celebration and dinner are well under way.

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Please note the colour coding for the interval drinks and for the seating plan for the tables.

Welcome Brother Richard

Welcome Brother Richard

Left to Right: Brother Ashley Harding, Worshipful Master Simon Bellhouse and Brother Richard Gingell.

Welcome to freemasonry Bro. Richard Gingell. His proposer Bro Ashley Harding took him around the lodge in a first class manner. Also a warm welcome to Bro Stuart Keyte, our newest joining member.

An outstanding Initiation ceremony delivered by Llantarnam Lodge. Great night had by all. Well done brethren.

Monmouthshire Freemasons Mon Light Blues Club United Grand Lodge of England

Henllys Lodge Fellow Craft

Henllys Lodge Fellow Craft

Monday evening Henllys Lodge passed Brother Owen Harris Stevens to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemason.

Brother Owen Harris Stevens pictured with the officers of Henllys Lodge.

L to R: Bro. Wayne Jones, Bro. David Coleman, Bro. Owen Harris Stevens, Worshipful Master Alan Clayton, Bro. Jonathan Davies, Bro. Craig Brown.